Introduction to our new blog for youth and families

Hey everyone!  Welcome to our new blog just for youth and youth families!  We are still experimenting with the best ways to stay connected during this time when we are unable to physically be together.  I thought a blog might be an avenue that the majority of you would have access to - regardless of your social media preferences. 

So here we go!  Let's give it a try! 

Details of how we will be doing ministry together will be in the weekly emails, so make sure you check those out!  Links will be coming soon for you to join "meetings" in zoom!  Details and instructions will be in the emails.  It is going to be so much fun getting to see you! 

Since this is my first blog and I have no idea if I am going to do it right or not, I am not going to put too much in this initial one! 

I will be in touch again soon.  Until then, here is another gem to hold on to...

Conversations will not be cancelled.
Relationships will not be cancelled.
Love will not be cancelled.
Songs will not be cancelled.
Reading will not be cancelled.
Self-help will not be cancelled.
Hope will not be cancelled.

May we lean into the good stuff that remains. 

Peace, love, and HUGS,


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